Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Pros and Cons of Hidden Surveillance Cameras

Pros and Cons of Hidden Surveillance Cameras

Hidden surveillance cameras are more common around the world than most of us realize. They can be found in bus stops, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, homes, and ATM machines on almost every continent. These cameras are often fed into video recording devices though on occasion they are monitored by real life security personnel in order to deter crimes and rapidly identify offenders. Chances are fairly certain that if you've been in any casino in the modern world that you have been carefully scrutinized on camera. Actually, chances are that if you've been almost anywhere in America your image has been captured by a hidden surveillance camera somewhere along the way.

Among the reasons for the extreme popularity and wide use of these cameras for both home and business security purposes are the facts that they are small, they do not take up a lot of real estate, they are not obvious, and they are quite affordable when compared to other security methods. However monitored surveillance methods are more costly, for those who would require this type of monitoring it is well worth the price. These cameras are as effective in small 'mom and pop' type stores and restaurants around the country as they are in identifying those who break into homes that have these cameras.

There are however, a few drawbacks that should be addressed when considering a small, hidden, surveillance camera as part of a home or business security plan. One of the drawbacks to these types of cameras is that they offer a very narrow or limited view. If these cameras are being used to identify perpetrators in a court of law reasonable doubt could easily be established unless the perpetrator in question happens to be well within the field of vision for the camera. Another drawback is that these devices are very small and do not necessarily offer the best quality and highest resolution when it comes to photographs.

Another common complaint when it comes to the use of these cameras is that they do invade the understanding of privacy that many expect. Most are more upset by the fact that they were filmed and mistrusted in the first place far more than the fact that they were caught in the act so to speak. People, especially in the United States, have an expectation of privacy that many feel hidden surveillance cameras trample upon. For this reason the use of these cameras in order to identify perpetrators is hotly debated and highly contested. At this point in time as long as there is no audio recording most states will allow the video. Check with state laws in your area however before recording sounds as some states require that those being recorded by audio devices are informed of this fact.

If you are hoping to catch employees, nannies, and housekeepers in the act of stealing from you or abusing their authorities and privileges then a hidden surveillance camera is an excellent choice. The same holds true for customers who would steal as well. These cameras can quite often be valuable tools in identifying those who transgress against you. However, the hidden nature of hidden cameras really prevent them from being an effective crime deterrent and this should be carefully considered before relying on them as a sole means of defense or security for your home and/or business.



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