Monday 30 June 2008

The K Vitamin

The K Vitamin

The K vitamin is essential for the blood to clot to correct injuries. Whenever a friend has a bleeding cut, it is the K vitamin that is present in the blood that stops the bleeding and enables most minor cuts to regenerate swiftly.

There are three different forms of the K vitamin. The blessing variant of the K vitamin is vitamin K1, further admitted as phylloquinone. This is the form of the K vitamin that is found in types of plant foods. Vitamin K found in plant foods. The latter form of the K vitamin is the vitamin K2, or menaquinone. This genre of the K vitamin is formed by friendly bacteria in the stomach. Thirdly, there is vitamin K3 which is moreover admitted as menadione and is actually an affected form of the K vitamin. All three of these types of K vitamin latter up in the liver where it is used to cause the blood clotting substances.

The first usual sources of the K vitamin are raw leafy vegetables, such as spinach. However, because the friendly bacteria in the intestine makes one of the forms of the K vitamin it is extremely unusual for a companion to hold a absence of the K vitamin and so K vitamin supplements are not necessary by the majority of mortals.

Apart from the main function of helping blood to clot, the K vitamin, specifically the Vitamin K1, has an important measure to play in the bone building process. This K vitamin is needful to retain the calcium in the bones and redistribute it to where it is needful.

Although a K vitamin want is relatively remarkable there are certain groups of persons who may suffer from it. Newborn babies may not own enough of the K vitamin as they own little bacteria in their stomach to create it. The majority of newborn babies in developed countries are therefore given a K vitamin injection to tide them over until the normal process takes over. That is the only occasion that a K vitamin addendum bequeath be taken by most people throughout their lives. However, an extended course of antibiotics may lead to a K vitamin deficiency due to the fact that the antibiotics kill the intestinal bacteria as well as the ones that they are being taken to cure. Again, a K vitamin supplement may be given if the course of antibiotics has to continue for a long period of time.

Heart Disease

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